In continuation of my “field study” – which is mentioned in part 1 of this post – here are some more unexpected findings:
- In total I gained 105 new followers (15% extra followers)
- I lost only 15 followers (only 2% loss)
- 12 (10%) of the new followers followed me after I had stopped tweeting (my conclusion is they are coming from RTs by other tweeps)
in further analyzing my new followers I noticed the following:
- 59 (over 50%) of my new followers had a Klout score of 40 or more – 27 of which were above 50
- 30 of my new followers had a Klout score between 20 & 39
- 22 of my new followers had more than 10,000 followers themselves (9 were above 20,000)
- 39 of my new followers had followers between 1000 & 9999
The below chart shows my new followers by the number of followers they have:
This next chart shows the distribution of my new followers according to their Klout score, apparently they are mostly ‘good value” tweeps, and not 3rd rate as some may expect.